Questions & Answers

  • Getting started with onProject

    Signing up for onProject is quick and easy.

    Just click on the login button and fill out the simple registration form.

    After that, you will receive a confirmation link via email.

    Once you confirm, you can add your first project and enjoy a free 60-day trial.

  • How do I choose a plan?

    For better planning your project budget, our payment plans are designed per project and are based on project duration in months.

    When adding a new project to your organisation profile, you have to choose one of the 2 plans: 

    • Single implementer project: For projects without partners or when you prefer not to add them to your account for managing purposes, but only in the Project Info for informative purposes.
    • Project with partners: For collaborative projects with partners for shared management and monitoring. By choosing this plan you will be able to add your partners in Project Info and their activities, and budget and provide them with access to uploading expenses, and documents, assign tasks and preview their financial reports.

    When you choose the project type and input the project duration in months, the system automatically calculates the total payment.

    More info on the Pricing Page

  • Do you provide training?

    We have created Help Center and video tutorials for each module and feature in onProject.

    Additionally, you can sign up for our monthly group demo presentation by completing the online form.

  • Can I try a demo project?

    You can explore onProject's features by using the free 60-day trial period or by importing the demo project available in the Projects section. The demo project comes with pre-filled data, allowing you to visually preview the features and benefits of using onProject for your grant-funded projects.

  • How will I benefit from OnProject?

    Your time, knowledge, and resources will be limited as you start implementing multiple or bigger grant financed projects, especially if they last for a couple of years. As your project volume grows, so do your responsibilities, tasks, expenses, and even the number of people you work with. You need to focus on project impact and leverage what you are good at, but a million other things also need to be done. How? This is where OnProject for grant project management comes in. Here are some areas that can be drastically improved with the use of OnProject for grant project management:

    Collaboration & Communication - OnProject for grant project management offers a more interactive collaboration than emails and spreadsheets. You will be able to assign tasks and keep track of the project from beginning to end. Team members do not have to check their inbox every second or hear from someone that they have not received it yet. Instead, everyone can communicate in real-time to provide feedback, questions, or any other concerns. In addition, file sharing and documentation management become easier and more secure.

    Budget and Expenses Control - Using OnProject for grant project management can also help prevent expenses from getting out of hand. It comes with features like budget tracking, expense management, link documents proof of expense, financial reporting especially tracking budgeted vs spent, and more.

    Resource Planning - onProject can also help effectively manage and allocate resources, whether team members, equipment, assets, or funding. 

    Transparency & Accountability - Using OnProject for grant project management can also help promote transparency, trust, accountability, and a sense of responsibility among team members. Also to build trust with the donor. When team members understand their roles and what is expected of them and are aware of the deadlines, each member will be able to perform better. Besides, there's nothing more motivating than seeing your peers work hard toward a common goal.

  • Is OnProject the right tool for me?

    Let us answer for you the following questions:

    Will it improve your current workflow?

    Yes, OnProject for grant project management is a centralised system that enables you to manage the whole grant project cycle from one place and for multiple projects at the same time by lowering your need for multiple resources. 

    Will it enable better collaboration and communication within the team?

    Yes, OnProject for grant project management manages all your work in one place. All project data input and sharing is done from the same place meaning the project team can keep track of project activities, tasks and documents in real time resulting in better communication and respecting deadlines. It offers centralised communication without multiple emails and spreadsheets sharing. Everyone can communicate in real-time to provide feedback, questions, or any other concerns.

  • Is it easy to use?

    Will everyone be able to use it consistently and not drop it after just a few months?

    OnProject for grant project management has a user-friendly interface for easy adoption and is tailored to your needs for smooth implementation of the grant-funded projects.

    onProject users have stated that the software is very intuitive and you can easily use it without need of additional trainings. 

    However, we provide support and training through the Help Center, video tutorials and monthly on-line sessions over Zoom. 

  • Will it integrate with other tools?

    We have designed onProject to function as a tool that has the built-in majority of the functionalities that you need for successful grant-funded project management including activities and tasks management, budget and finances management, tracking expenses and linking documents proof of expense, structural project documentation upload and classification. It enables detailed administrative and financial management of your projects without the need to integrate third-party tools. 

    Features included:

    • Team collaboration
    • Centralized communication
    • Tasking and deadline reminders
    • Project budgeting
    • Resource allocation
    • Expenses tracking
    • Real-time reporting
    • Online document management system that is completely user-friendly
    • Ability to share and preview project documentation by the project team from one centralized place.
  • Does it have a reporting feature?

    OnProject for grant project management comes with multiple reporting features and complete visualisation of your project finances, enabling real-time tracking and reporting of the budgeted vs spent vs remaining resources. 

  • Is it scalable?

    OnProject for grant project management is a SaaS platform that is completely scalable and constantly improved and upgraded with new features. We hear your needs and implement them with priority into the system.

  • How much does it cost? Can we afford it?

    We offer diverse payment plans from which you can select the most suitable for your project

    without feeling any financial burden.

    We have designed them so everyone can afford to become part of the OnProject’s user family.

    More info on the Pricing Page.

  • What happens when my payment plan ends?

    Once your payment plan ends, you will still have access to the project content on Users who previously had access can view the project after the payment plan ends, but they will not be able to edit or upload any new content.

Still need help?

Don't hesitate to contact us about any question you might be interested in

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