Our Products

We deliver solutions not just products

In our many years of experience in the IT industry, we've created and implemented customized as well as commercial solutions for a wide range of sectors.

These solutions are designed to be intuitive and make our clients' processes easier, ensuring long-lasting results.

Our flagship products

Deliver better granting experience with GoEasy OGMS

Online Grants Management System

GoEasy OGMS is an online grants management software that digitalizes, accelerates and simplifies the complete lifecycle of grant program management.
Our product is specifically made for those that provide grant funding and support access of multiple types of users with different access levels depending on their role: donor organization members, evaluators, evaluation panel members, applicants, grantees, etc.

GoEasy OGMS is an end-to-end solution customized to your specific needs and is composed of 3 main sections:

Section 1: Donor Portal

Enables creation and publishing of programmes and open calls, tracks the application process, evaluates, negotiates and awards received applications, monitors project implementation of the granted projects, and generates visual reports per specific indicator/s.

Section 2: Applicant Portal or Application Submission Portal

Enables online preparation and submission of the project proposals by the applicant organisations, tracking of the evaluation status, and communication with the donor, together with the history of submitted applications. The application form, documentation, and call rules are directly integrated and available in digital form in the Applicant Portal.

Section 3: Grantee Portal

Enables complete online project management by the grantees, including project activities, tasks, budget, project documentation per type, project-related expenses and documentation proof of expense management, visual and tabular financial reports, and generates periodical and financial reports based on donor templates.

Benefits of implementing GoEasy OGMS

For the grantmakers or implementers that disburse grants:


GoEasy OGMS provides flexibility in designing and implementing calls as everything is done online with digital forms, including the project budget and activities timeline. This eliminates the need to create call documentation in Word and Excel and distribute it to the applicants.

The project proposal preparation is done online, eliminating potential errors.

It integrates call/program/donor rules in the online application form. The evaluation process is accelerated and simplified, and eligibility/administrative checks are done automatically during project preparation and application.

GoEasy OGMS provides real-time analysis of project preparation progress during the application phase, enhancing the quality and number of submitted applications.

Simplifies, accelerates and makes more transparent the decision-making process through real-time monitoring and analysis of all evaluation phases. Proposals assessment is done online with an integrated evaluation grid per phase.

GoEasy OGMS helps you improve your grantmaking process by providing detailed visual reports (created, submitted, approved, applied projects per topic/type of organization, etc.).

Provides real-time monitoring of the grantee project implementation to the donor team, helping the grantees to solve problems timely, through direct preview-only access to all project sections and reports.

GoEasy OGMS is also great for Applicants and Grantees:

For the Applicants, it provides:
● Flexible and timely preparation and submission of proposals as everything is done online, no need to attach Excel/word documents
● Automated validation of call rules fulfillment during the application phase
● Tracking the status of submitted project proposals
● Online negotiation if shortlisted

For the Grantee provides:
● Online project management, including budget and expense tracking, control, and monitoring of activities, tasks with reminders
● Digitalization and organization of documents
● Synchronized work of the project team and partnership, enabling collaboration on-premises and remotely
● Automated reporting with integrated templates (financial and narrative reports), rules, and additional features specific to the donor programme.

GoEasy OGMS helps users improve their digital skills, be more organized and manage time effectively resulting in increased productivity at work.

GoEasy OGMS can be implemented as complete OGMS solution including all granting phases (all 3 sections explained above) or just the project implementation and reporting by grantees and real-time monitoring and mentoring by the donor, i.e. personalised Grantee Portal.

Business processes understandable by everyone with GoEasy ERP

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

GoEasy ERP is an online business software that integrates all business processes in a company.
It consists of the following modules, each with additional sub-modules and functions:
- Human Resources
- Procurement
- Finances and Accounting
- Project Management

The commercial version containing some of the modules is available as fakturiraj.mk.
For the customizable version, please get in touch with us.

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